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  主讲人: Saifur Rahman
  主  题: 物联网在智慧城市互联社区中提高能源效率的作用
  时  间: 2019-11-23 10:00
  地  点: 电气楼706
Saifur Rahman,男,教授,美国弗吉尼亚理工大学高级研究所创始理事,并且领导着能源与全球环境中心。Saifur Rahman是IEEE的终身研究员,并且是IEEE千禧奖章的获得者。他是IEEE电力和能源学会(PES)2018和2019的主席。他是IEEE电力与能源学会的杰出讲师,曾在30多个国家/地区举办有关可再生能源,能效,智能电网,能源互联网,区块链,物联网传感器集成等方面的演讲。他是BEM Controls,LLC的创始人,这是一家位于美国弗吉尼亚州的软件公司,提供建筑能源管理解决方案。他在2010年至2013年期间担任美国国家科学基金会国际科学与工程咨询委员会主席。
随着全球社会经济的快速发展,人们的工作生活都高度集中于城市中,由此导致城市在诸如能源、水资源、交通、防灾、环境、教育、卫生、治安、医疗护理的方面远远超过其承载能力,衍生出的“城市病”的负面影响逐步显现出来。智慧城市已是全球先进国家发展的大趋势,当中涉及众多支持者及技术层面,而其中一个重要的基建便是物联网科技。不少研究均认为物联网是未来互联网的主角之一,甚至是“未来的技术”。Saifur Rahman教授介绍了基于云计算的平台和服务对于智能城市的促进作用,同时介绍了智慧设备如智能电表、家庭网关、智能电器以及智能插座的开发为物联网在智慧城市市场的发展创造的机会。

  主讲人: Peter Crossley
  主  题: protection and control of power network
  时  间: 2019-11-21 10:00
  地  点: 电气楼706
彼得·克罗斯利 (Peter Crossley) 教授在工业界和学术界的研究活动包括:电力系统保护和控制,分布式/间歇发电电源对网络的影响,可再生能源系统,智能电网的设计和使用。 Peter Crossley教授本科毕业于英国曼彻斯特大学,并在剑桥大学获得博士学位。1983年他开始供职于英国GEC measurement公司,任高级技术工程师,后升任为研究部经理。1991年,他在曼彻斯特大学科学与技术学院担任讲师,后升任副教授。2002年,他在北爱尔兰贝尔法斯特女王大学以教授身份开展研究工作,同时任职电气工程及电力与能源研究院院长。2006年,Peter Crossley教授回到曼彻斯特大学,先后任职“焦耳研究中心”主任和电力能源与电力系统系系主任。 在他30年的科研生涯中,先后发表超过250篇科技文献,包括59篇期刊论文,2本专业书籍,187篇科技会议论文。同时,他先后承担了各类项目,经费规模达230万英镑。在高校间的科研合作方面,Peter Crossley教授也做了很多工作,先后与英国斯特拉斯克莱德大学、韩国全北国立大学、韩国明知大学,中国华北电力大学、北京交通大学,清华大学, 山东大学等高校保持合作科研关系。
Distributed Global Positioning System (GPS) receivers are widely used for accurate time synchronization in power networks. They help prevent blackouts, improve fault location accuracy and provide enhanced protection and control. However, concern about the reliability of GPS receivers embedded in protection, control and monitoring equipment is now being discussed, especially in critical application such as GPS synchronised differential protection. Vulnerabilities include the effect of interference caused by the use of GPS jammers, the reliability of local receivers or antennas and the effects of natural interference, including solar flares. Utilities require a timing system that is less dependent on the direct use of distributed GPS receivers and one based on Ethernet using the IEC 61850 protocol. This reduces cabling complexity, enables interoperability between devices from different vendors and minimises local interference and reliability issues. The IEEE 1588-2008 synchronization protocol uses Ethernet to disseminate the time reference and is able to realize sub micro-second accuracy. More specifically, with adequate implementation and engineering, all the secondary equipment in a substation could be synchronised with similar equipment across the network, by the use of two or three GPS supported 1588v2 time masters operating in conjunction with a data network. With regard to Ethernet, certain IEC 61850 applications require “bump-less” communication redundancy, whilst existing technologies can only recover communications tens of milliseconds after an interruption. The solution is the inclusion of the IEC 62439-3 Parallel Redundancy Protocol (PRP) which achieve seamless redundancy by transmitting duplicate data packets simultaneously, thus satisfying the high reliability requirement of substations. The use of IEEE 1588 and IEC 62439-3 could significantly improve the performance and reliability of Ethernet based secondary systems, which is especially important for the next generation of transmission substations. However, as IEEE 1588-2008 and IEC 62439-3 PRP technologies have rarely been applied by electrical utilities, limited understanding and experience exists within the protection & control community. Consequently, prior to widespread deployment, laboratory test and training facilities are needed to help utilities gain a better insight into the feasibility, performance and limitations of these two protocols. This presentation will describe how a physical test-bed incorporating a mixed 1588/62439 network can be built and used to assess the steady state and transient performance of IEEE 1588 clocks under different network traffic conditions and the impairments caused by device mal-operations, GPS jamming or intentional cyber attack. The objective is to increase the confidence of utilities that the inclusion of Parallel Redundancy Protocol in an Ethernet based time dissemination system with multiple GPS supported time masters can be reliably applied in transmission substations.

  主讲人: 陆贵文
  主  题: Engineering the Future
  时  间: 2019-11-20 10:00
  地  点: 机械工程楼
陆贵文,原籍广东三水人,出生于香港。应用电磁学专家。英国皇家工程院院士。香港大学电机工程系学士和哲学博士。现任香港城市大学电机工程系讲座教授,原毫米波国家重点实验室(香港城市大学)主任。长期从事新型天线发明、分析和应用的研究。在微带天线和介质谐振天线等领域解決了若干关键性难题,是宽带磁电偶极子天线和L-形探针激励的微带天线的始創人。发表论文700余篇,Google他引18000余次,出版国际专著4部,拥有11项美国发明专利和3项中国发明专利,培养了多位国际知名高校优秀学者。多次受邀在国际学术会议上作大会或主题报告。多次获得国际学术会议最佳论文奖和学生最佳论文奖。曾担任多个国际学术会议大会主席和技术程序主席,包括2020年在香港举行的APMC大会主席。2012年受邀担任国际权威期刊《Proceedings of the IEEE》客座主编,出版“在无线通讯中的天线” 百週年纪念专辑。2001年获裘槎基金会香港优秀科研者奖,2003年当选为美国IEEE会士,2011年获国家技术发明二等奖(排名第一),2017年获国际天线领域最高荣誉之一的IEEE约翰克劳斯天线奖。2019年获何梁何利电子科技奖。
The lecture includes what it is like to work as an engineer in the world and how engineers can contribute to society in the 21st century. A future/global perspective on challenges that engineers can help to solve is presented. This lecture has a low technical element but more inspirational and story-telling about the personal research experience of the speaker.

  主讲人: 刘勇
  主  题: 超声微锻造辅助激光熔丝增材制造镍基高温合金组织和性能
  时  间: 2019-11-20 09:00
  地  点: 机械楼7层活动室

  主讲人: 吕颖
  主  题: 电力系统在线安全分析程序研究与开发
  时  间: 2019-11-15 14:00
  地  点: 电气楼706
吕颖 男,博士,中国电科院正高级工程师,长期从事电力系统安全稳定分析的研究和开发工作。作为技术骨干参加过国家973计划“提高大型互联电网运行可靠性的基础研究”、科技支撑项目“大电网安全关键技术研究”、国网科技项目“电力系统在线动态安全评估和预警系统”、“跨区电网动态稳定监测预警系统”“安全校核和阻塞管理技术研究”等项目,多次获得国家电网公司科技进步奖。

  主讲人: 孙超
  主  题: 自持双相催化颗粒湍流
  时  间: 2019-11-15 10:00
  地  点: 土建楼520
孙超是清华大学燃烧能源中心,航天工程学院能源与动力工程系的教授。 他于2006年在香港中文大学获得博士学位,并于同年获得香港青年科学家奖。 2009年,他被任命为特温特大学的助理教授,并于2013年晋升为副教授。 2015年,他加入清华大学,担任正式教授。 他的研究兴趣包括多相流,高雷诺数湍流,气泡和液滴以及传热和传质。 孙博士是《国际多相流杂志》的副编辑,也是《流体实验》的编辑顾问委员会成员和多相流问题国际会议的理事会成员。

  主讲人: 孟宪波
  主  题: 初心不忘,不服流年——宪波外交翻译生涯27年
  时  间: 2019-11-14 14:00
  地  点: 思源西楼
孟宪波,男,毕业于中国外交学院,1993年进入外交部工作,现任中国蓝田总公司党委书记,教授(中国地质大学兼职教授、硕导;青岛大学兼职教授、硕导;临沂大学客座教授等)、翻译家、同声传译专家、中国译协专家委员。主要著作和译著有:《我们相信变革》、《中国林业发展和生态建设白皮书》、《中国医疗改革方案》、《汶川地震灾后恢复与重建总体规划》、《泛美开发银行文案》、《打造和谐海洋》、《跟奥巴马学英语》、《中外改革大事典》、《亡灵颂歌》、《震惊世界的国际间谍》、《奥运赋》、《采购与供应谈判》、《采购与供应关系管理》、《银行业务英语教程》、《春江花月夜》、《长恨歌》、《致橡树》、《孩子快抓紧妈妈的手》、《会唱歌的鸢尾花》、《独具特色的世界遗产——泰山》、《山东省守合同重信用企业概览》、《杜华画集》、《见证辉煌》、《大唐电力文件汇编》、《充满机遇的世界》、《跟奥巴马学英语2》等;曾担任江泽民、钱其琛、曾培炎、李克强、王岐山、成思危、郑万通、唐家璇等领导同志,厉以宁、江平等专家学者以及努乔马(Sam Nujoma)、骆家辉(Gary Lock)和朱棣文(Steven Chu)等外国政要的口译或同声传译译员。(详见百度百科https://baike.baidu.com/item/%E5%AD%9F%E5%AE%AA%E6%B3%A2/3634284?fr=aladdin#1)

  主讲人: 刘亮
  主  题: Machine-Type Communications for Internet of Things: Roadmap to a Connected World
  时  间: 2019-11-08 16:00
  地  点: 机械楼D202会议室
Dr. Liang Liu received the B.Eng. degree from the Tianjin University in 2010, and the Ph.D. degree from the National University of Singapore in 2014. He is currently an Assistant Professor in the Department of Electronic and Information Engineering at the Hong Kong Polytechnic University. Before that, he was a Research Fellow in the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering at National University of Singapore from 2017 to 2018, and a Postdoctoral Fellow in the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering at University of Toronto from 2015 to 2017. His research interests include the next generation cellular technologies and machine-type communications for Internet of Things. Dr. Liang Liu is the recipient of the IEEE Signal Processing Society Young Author Best Paper Award, 2017, and the best student paper award for International Conference on Wireless Communications and Signal Processing (WCSP), 2011. He is recognized by Clarivate Analytics as a Highly Cited Researcher, 2018.
Last decades stood witness to the remarkable achievement of the wireless technologies in terms of connecting the people all over the world. Recently, there are growing interests from both academia and industry in another direction – to provide ubiquitous connectivity among machines. Such a paradigm shift from human-type communications (HTC) toward machine-type communications (MTC) is mainly driven by the emergence of Internet of Things (IoT). To pave the way for IoT, in this talk we will focus on how to embed MTC’s unique features of massive connectivity, ultra-reliability, and low latency into the 5G networks. First, we will study a massive IoT connectivity scenario in which a massive number of IoT devices can potentially connect to the network, but at any given time only a fraction of potential devices are active due to the sporadic device traffic. Based on the state evolution of the approximate message passing (AMP) algorithm, we analytically prove that the device activity detection error probability goes down to zero as the number of antennas at the base station goes to infinity. Therefore, massive multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) ideally suits massive IoT connectivity. Second, we will study an industry automation scenario in which the controller has to send the commands to the actuators in a reliable and timely manner. Based on the observation that tasks in the factories are generally assigned to groups of actuators working in close proximity, we investigate a two-phase protocol, in which the controller sends the commands to the carefully selected group leaders in the first phase, which relay the commands to their group members via the device-to-device (D2D) communication techniques in the second phase. Such a scheme is shown to significantly improve the reliability of the low latency communications in the factories.

  主讲人: 何克勇
  主  题: 不断学习和实践——我的口译生涯
  时  间: 2019-11-08 04:20
  地  点: 思西605
中央民族大学外国语学院翻译系二级教授,博士生导师,中国翻译协会专家会员;中亚、中东译介专家、教育部人文社科专家,中联部人权专家,国家社科基金评审专家,国家留学基金委口译组评审专家,国际学术出版公司Peter Lang同行评议人。清华大学、海南大学、贵州大学兼职教授,遵义医科大学外国语学院候鸟专家。曾任中央民族大学外国语学院院长、国际教育学院院长、国际合作处处长。主要研究领域包括翻译与文化、学术著作翻译等;近8年来主持6项科研课题:其中国家社科基金重大项目1项,省部级3项,学校重大课题3项。著、编、译、审定著作30余种。曾任国务院新闻发布会同传、交传,多次为国务委员杨洁篪等国家领导人担任口译工作,曾代表中方在联合国大会发言。

  主讲人: 董志洪
  主  题: 不忘初心牢记使命 立足本职多做贡献 我国钢轨生产技术进步历程漫谈
  时  间: 2019-10-31 14:00
  地  点: 机械工程楼八层大会议室
董志洪,教授级高工。毕业于北京科技大学金属压力加工专业。早年留学日本。曾受国家委派在加拿大悉尼钢铁公司从事高技术铁路用钢研究工作。曾任包钢轨梁厂厂长,冶金工业规划研究院轧钢处处长、总设计师,中国钢铁工业协会市场部主任。      从毕业至今近50多年来,通过在国内外钢铁企业、研究规划部门和行业管理部门,一直参与我国高速铁路、重载铁路用钢轨的研制工作并负责指导钢铁企业技术改造咨询工作,是我国在这一领域的资深专家。近年来出版了《世界H型钢和钢轨生产技术》和《高技术铁路与钢轨》两部专著,还在国内外各种期刊和会议上发表了近百篇研究论文。
一、在包钢轨梁厂工作的岁月回忆——人生的第一课生活的艰辛与创业的艰难 二.在日本留学的经历——技术落后与赶超努力 三.在加拿大工作的体会——学习钢轨生产先进短流程工艺 四.在冶金部和协会工作期间所做的工作——推广国外先进技术,帮助企业技术改造 五、几点感受和体会

  主讲人: Richard Chahine
  主  题: 氢能:向清洁高效能源过渡的工具
  时  间: 2019-10-30 10:00
  地  点: 机械楼八层大会议室
Richard Chahine(理查德•夏因)教授,魁北克大学电气工程系/物理系教授、魁北克科学研究能源和材料所兼职教授、法国巴黎第十三大学访问教授、武汉理工大学汽车工程学院客座教授;魁北克大学氢能研究所所长;加拿大自然科学与工程研究理事会(NSERC)H2CAN合作项目首席科学家,加拿大自然科学与工程研究理事会氢气纯化、运输与储存工业研究首席科学家;国际能源机构(IEA)的氢能高级专家、国际标准化组织(ISO)氢技术高级顾问、加拿大自然资源部的氢技术高级顾问、加拿大氢能与燃料电池协会理事。

  主讲人: 朱岩
  主  题: Provably Secure Cryptographic ABAC System to Enhance Reliability and Privacy using Real-time Token and Dynamic Policy
  时  间: 2019-10-29 16:10
  地  点: YF510
This talk aims to establish a cryptographic solution to improve security and reliability of NIST’s ABAC (attribute-based access control) model. By breaking down existing framework of attribute-based encryption (ABE), we propose a new cryptographic ABAC (C-ABAC) framework for dynamic policy authorization and real-time attribute credentials. Moreover, a practical C-ABAC construction is proposed to support provable policy decision-making and verifiable attribute Tokens among multiple distributed authorities. In this construction, we develop a practical approach of generating cryptographic policy from access control markup language in ABAC. We prove that attribute Token has existential unforgeability under the chosen attribute and chosen-nonce attacks, and the cryptographic policy is existentially unforgeable under the chosen-object attack. In addition, our C-ABAC construction provides semantic security against chosen-plaintext attack with Tokens and policies specified by the attacker under the eGDHE assumption.

  主讲人: 梁开泰
  主  题: Security and Privacy Aspects over Blockchain Applications
  时  间: 2019-10-29 15:00
  地  点: YF510
Dr. Kaitai Liang is an Assistant Professor in Secure Systems at the University of Surrey, UK. He received the PhD degree in computer science from City University of Hong Kong. His main research interests are applied cryptography, in particular, functional encryption, proxy re-encryption, searchable encryption, lattice-based cryptographic protocols, post-quantum blockchain research, lattice-based TPM, blockchain security, and privacy-enhancing technology. He’s participated (as PI/CI) in European funding and H2020 projects to deliver real-world impact with academic (e.g., Uni. Birmingham) and industrial partners (e.g., IBM, Infineon). He’s published over 80 research works, leveraging information security/crypto tools to tackle real-world problems, in high tier international journals and conferences, e.g., IEEE TIFS/Computers/TII, ESORICS. He’s served as TPC for over 20 renown international security/privacy conferences, e.g., ESORICS. He is a member of UK ISO Crypto Sub Committee IST/33/2, associate editor of the Computer Journal/SCN/IET Wireless Sensor Systems, guest editor of IEEE TII, and cybersecurity consultant for SEMs.
To date blockchain apps have been widely used in many commercial and educational sectors. On one hand this advanced distributed ledger technology brings convenience and decentralization for Internet users, but on the other hand the “transparency” of ledger data and transaction information does yield security and privacy concerns. In this talk, we mainly focus on how to make use of advanced cryptographic tools to tackle the concerns.

  主  题: 能源政策:应对环境挑战
  时  间: 2019-10-28 15:00
  地  点: 电气楼706
How can the world move to a sustainable energy system, one that is environmentally protective, secure from domestic and international risks, and economically efficient and equitable? Global climate change, caused primarily by combustion of fossil fuels, is one of the greatest threats to environmental sustainability. Professor Sweeney discusses a three-part mitigation strategy for addressing global climate change – energy efficiency, end-use energy switching, clean energy production. He gives examples of each from the United States and focuses on what so far has been the most important of the three changes in the US – energy efficiency. Energy efficiency in the US has resulted from a complex combination of federal governmental regulations and incentives, new technology development and market implementation, competitions, information vehicles, nudges, and many actions by the private sector and by non-governmental entities (NGOs). These approaches can be further amplified in the United States and probably in China, for mitigating greenhouse gas emissions.

  主讲人: Shahab Sokhansanj
  主  题: 普通白木球团的干燥
  时  间: 2019-10-28 10:00
  地  点: 机械楼八层大会议室
Shahab Sokhansanj博士是英属哥伦比亚大学生物质与生物能源研究小组(BBRG)的研究负责人。加入UBC之前,Sokhansanj博士在萨斯喀彻温大学(University of Saskatchewan)教授农业工程,并拥有名誉教授的头衔。目前Sokhansanj博士担任UBC化学与生物工程的兼职教授,负责指导一个博士后团队进行生物质致密化和供应系统建模的研究。Sokhansanj博士荣获2016国际生物能源大会暨展览会创始人奖,表彰了他对收获后生物材料处理工程科学发展的贡献。2018年9月,Sokhansanj博士在西班牙巴伦西亚举行的国际干燥研讨会上荣获干燥科学金奖。他也是加拿大生物燃料网(BioFuelnet Canada)的一名活跃成员。

  主讲人: 丁林棚
  主  题: 怎样翻译词汇?——翻译中的语言、文化与意义
  时  间: 2019-10-24 16:30
  地  点: 思源西楼610

  主讲人: James M. Tien
  主  题: Toward the Fourth Industrial Revolution
  时  间: 2019-10-24 16:00
  地  点: 北京交通大学科学会堂
James M. Tien received the BEE from Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute (RPI) and the SM, EE and PhD from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. He has held leadership positions at Bell Telephone Laboratories, at the Rand Corporation, and at Structured Decisions Corporation. He joined the Department of Electrical, Computer and Systems Engineering at RPI in 1977, became Acting Chair of the department, joined a unique interdisciplinary Department of Decision Sciences and Engineering Systems as its founding Chair, and twice served as the Acting Dean of Engineering. In 2007, he was recruited by the University of Miami to be a Distinguished Professor and Dean of its College of Engineering; effective 2016, he stepped down from the Dean’s position and remains a Distinguished Professor. He has been awarded the IEEE Joseph G. Wohl Outstanding Career Award, the IEEE Major Educational Innovation Award, the IEEE Norbert Wiener Award, and the IBM Faculty Award. He is also an elected member of the U. S. National Academy of Engineering
The outputs or products of an economy can be partitioned into three sets of products: goods (due to manufacturing, construction, agriculture and extraction), services and an integration of services and goods or servgoods. In an earlier paper, Tien (2012) considered these types of products in terms of their relation to the three Industrial Revolutions: the First Industrial Revolution (circa 1800) was primarily focused on the production of goods; the Second Industrial Revolution (circa 1900) was primarily focused on the mass production of goods; and the Third Industrial Revolution (circa 2000) has been primarily focused on the mass customization of goods, services and servgoods. In this follow-up paper, the Third Industrial Revolution of mass customization continues to evolve and, in many respects, is subsuming the earlier Industrial Revolutions of production and mass production. More importantly, with the advent of real-time decision making, artificial intelligence, Internet of Things, mobile networks, and other advanced digital technologies, customization has been extensively enabled, making real-time customization, the basis for the Fourth Industrial Revolution, an increasingly formidable and smart approach. However, the moral and ethical problems associated with real-time customization must be carefully assessed and minimized, especially in regard to unintended consequences. Prospectively and with the advance of artificial general intelligence, the Fourth Industrial Revolution could be forthcoming in about mid-century; it would allow for multiple activities to be simultaneously tackled in real-time and in a customized manner.

  主讲人: Mohsen Guizani
  主  题: 医疗保健中物联网设备的轻量级安全算法
  时  间: 2019-10-24 10:00
  地  点: 思源楼1101会议室
Mohsen Guizani(S’85–M’89–SM’99–F’09)取分别于1984年,1986年,1987年和1990年获得美国纽约州锡拉库扎锡拉丘兹大学的理学学士学位、M.S.电气工程学士学位和博士学位计算机工程博士学位。他目前是卡塔尔卡塔尔大学计算机科学与工程系的教授。在此之前,他曾在爱达荷大学,西密歇根大学,西佛罗里达大学,密苏里州堪萨斯城大学,科罗拉多州博尔德大学和锡拉丘兹大学担任过不同的学术和行政职务。他的研究兴趣包括无线通信和移动计算,计算机网络,移动云计算,安全性和智能电网。他目前是IEEE Network Magazine的主编,并担任多个国际技术杂志的编辑委员会委员,以及《无线通信和移动计算》杂志(Wiley)的创始人和主编。他是9本书的作者,并在相关期刊和会议上发表了500多种出版物。他来宾编辑了IEEE期刊和杂志上的许多特刊。他还担任过多个国际会议的成员,主席和总主席。在他的整个职业生涯中,他获得了三个教学奖和四个研究奖。他还因在无线通信和Ad-Hoc传感器网络方面的杰出研究做出的贡献而获得了2017年IEEE通信协会WTC认可奖和2018年AdHoc技术委员会认可奖。他曾担任IEEE通信协会无线技术委员会主席和TAOS技术委员会主席。他曾担任IEEE计算机协会杰出讲师,目前是IEEE ComSoc杰出讲师。他是IEEE院士和ACM高级会员
物联网(IoT)设备在医疗保健系统中的使用最近变得无处不在。此外,物联网通过连接世界来改变我们的社会和日常生活。预计这将从根本上改变工业,商业,运输和医疗保健。在医疗保健领域,这种无处不在的连接带来了许多挑战,从安全性,智慧城市,大数据到设备级协议,无所不包。据估计,未来几年将需要连接数千亿个物联网设备。此外,世界上超过一半的人口居住在城市中,许多城市都需要将多个设备连接到互联网。预计这将创建一个复杂的基础结构。这些智能服务依赖于计算和通信资源。此外,能够使用这些复杂的系统提供适当的服务提出了巨大的挑战。 在本次演讲中,我们回顾了世界各地专家为缓解其中一些挑战所做的当前努力。然后,我们展示了我们的研究活动以为这些努力做出贡献,并倡导医疗保健设备的可能解决方案。我们介绍由我们的研究小组开发的轻量级安全协议。我们提供有关如何智能有效地管理和保护可用资源的方法,以提供更好的生活条件和提供更好的服务。最后,我们讨论一些研究结果以支持各种应用程序,包括医疗保健,安全和智能运输系统。

  主讲人: 宋灏岩
  主  题: 大三巴牌坊——中葡文化在澳门的碰撞与交融
  时  间: 2019-10-18 14:00
  地  点: 思源西楼610
宋灏岩博士,澳门科技大学国际学院葡萄牙语专业助理教授及课程主任。曾就读于葡萄牙米尼奥大学远东文化研究博士专业、中葡跨文化研究硕士专业,本科毕业于澳门大学葡萄牙语专业。研究方向为跨文化研究、在华耶稣会史、澳门史及文化教学法。曾发表多篇葡文、英文及中文的学术论文或专著章节,包括《澳门圣保禄学院传教士对早期葡汉翻译的贡献研究》、《An Empirical Study on the Relationship between Macao’s Informal Finance and Economic Growth in the Portuguese Speaking Countries’ Social and Economic Development》 等,其中多篇论文发表于中外核心期刊。

  主讲人: 董燕生
  主  题: 外语教与学
  时  间: 2019-10-17 14:00
  地  点: 思源西楼301
中国西班牙语语言文学教育界泰斗,教育家、文学翻译家。北京外国语大学教授、博导。 董燕生老师主编的《西班牙语》(商务印书馆1985年出版)获1992年国家教委优秀教材二等奖;《现代西班牙语》(外语教学与研究出版社1999年出版)获教育部全国普通高等学校优秀教材二等奖。《现代西班牙语》(1-6册)系中国西语教学现行统一精读教材。主要文学译著:《堂吉诃德》(第二届鲁迅文学奖全国优秀文学翻译彩虹奖)、《塞万提斯全集》第一卷、《总统先生》、《红高粱》(莫言)、《美食家》(陆文夫)等。 2000年荣获西班牙国王授予的伊莎贝尔女王勋章;2007年当选亚洲西班牙语语文工作者协会主席;2009年荣获西班牙政府授予的文学艺术勋章;2014年荣获西班牙莱里达大学授予的名誉博士称号;2015年荣获西班牙政府授予的阿方索十世勋章;2019年荣获马德里远程大学授予的名誉博士称号。
讲座面向外国语言文学学科师生,主要包括四个部分: 一、外语学习技巧; 二、外语教学经验分享; 三、文学翻译经验谈; 四、答师生问。