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  主讲人: Dr. Qingsheng Zeng
  主  题: Man-Made Noise Measurements and Electromagnetic Environment
  时  间: 2013-04-08 16:00
  地  点: SD104
Qingsheng ZENG received his Ph.D. from University of Ottawa, is currently a senior research engineer, and has been pursuing research projects as a principal investigator at Communications Research Centre Canada (CRC). He has been serving as a member of the Strategic Projects Selection Panel (Information and Communications Technologiesand Site Visit Committee of Industrial Research Chair (IRC) for the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada (NSERC).Qingsheng is an adjunct professor at University of Québec in Ottawa (UQO), University of Ottawa and Institute National Research Scientific Centre Energy, Materials and Telecommunications (INRS-EMT), and has been co-supervising Ph.D. students with these educational institutions. He is the Chair of AP (Antennas and Propagation) / MTT (Microwave Theory and Techniques) Joint Chapter of IEEE Ottawa Section and a senior member of IEEE.
The change of the RF environment suggests that the noise floor used in our electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) analysis needs to be reviewed .This presentation attempts to focus on a measurement procedure as an introduction to noise floor measurement; some results of measurements performed in a suburban area with some industrial buildings and offices will be presented. It can be seen from our measurement results that the median levels for man-made noise tend to be even lower than the current thresholds in ALS-EMC and NTIA. Although the density of electrical devices producing man-made noise has certainly become higher over the last 40 years, the accumulated noise level in the specified frequency range has not increased owing to better EMC performance from each of these devices.

  主讲人: Prof. Luca Roselli
  主  题: Green RFID: an enabling technology towards the Internet of Things
  时  间: 2013-04-08 15:00
  地  点: SD104
Luca Roselli received the ?Laurea? degree in electronic engineering from the University of Florence, Florence, Italy, in 1988. From 1988 to 1991 he worked at the University of Florence on SAW devices. In November 1991, he joined the Institute of Electronics at the University of Perugia, Perugia, Italy, as a Research Assistant. Since1992 he is an IEEE member. Since 1994 he has been teaching Electronic In 2001 He was nominated IEEE senior member.In 2003 he was a member of the spin off committee of the University of Perugia, in 2005 he founded a second spin off company: DiES (Digital Electronic Solutions) Srl. In 2007 he was the chairman of the VII Computational Electromagnetic in Time Domain workshop; he was the guest editor of the special issue of the International Journal of Numerical Modelling on the VII CEM-TD. Again in 2008 he was the Co-PIPrincipal.
A brief description of the present and future scenario correlated to ICTs will be illustrated. Environmental implication of present societal and technological trends will be analyzed in order to address the most important and relevant issues. On the basis of this analysis, RFID, as an enabling approach compatible with the described scenario, will be introduced and motivated. Future environmentally friendly technologies and architectures, suitable for green RFID implementation, will be introduced, namely: paper printed circuits, organic materials, chip-less tag, harmonic RFID, autarkic sensor nodes, CNT based RFID gas sensors and so on. Some application proposals will be reported in order to illustrate the groundbreaking vision enabled by ?green RFID? approach; in particular it will be shown the potentiality of the green RFID technologies toward the development of a new concept of indoor localization systems and assisted paths as well as the capability of massive use of green RFID tags for extensive monitoring and for measurements in harsh environments where high numbers of wireless sensors is needed without the possibility to recover them. These example applications will be used to draw final considerations about future developments, challenges and perspectives.

  主讲人: 张钹
  主  题: 大数据时代传统信息理论面临的挑战
  时  间: 2013-04-02 09:00
  地  点: 机械楼二层学术报告厅
张钹,计算机科学与技术系教授,中国科学院院士。1935年生,福建福清市人。毕业于清 华大学自动控制系。美国伊利诺斯大学访问学者。现任清华大学智能技术与系统国家重点实验室主任。目前从事人工智能、神经网络与遗传算法理论和应用以及知识工程、智能机器人与智能控制应用技术研究。 张钹院士先后发表论文100多篇与专著3部。提出人工智能问题求解的商空间理论,从多粒度问题求解的理论出发,给出研究不确定性处理、定性推理、模糊分析、证据合成等的新原理。提出多层信息综合、多层规划与搜索的新方法,提高了机器问题求解的能力和降低计算复杂性。给出分析多种神经网络模型的定量方法,以及新的网络学习机制等。 科研成果先后获ICL欧洲人工智能奖,国家自然科学三等奖,国家教委科技进步一等奖、二等奖,以及电子工业部科技进步一等奖等奖励。

  主讲人: Dr.Chaudhry
  主  题: Supply Chain Strategies
  时  间: 2013-04-01 10:00
  地  点: 学术会议室

  主讲人: 康荣平
  主  题: 中国最长寿的大型家族企业:康百万
  时  间: 2013-03-31 19:00
  地  点: SD821
康荣平研究员,男,新中国同龄人,原籍北京。 1968年做知青下乡插队,当过生产队长。70年代初回城当工人,前后在企业工作七年多。毕业于冶金院校。 80年代任辽宁社会科学院科技发展研究所副所长;兼任辽宁省政府、沈阳市政府顾问,以及若干企业顾问;主要从事技术与经济发展的国际比较研究,发表论文百余篇、著作二部。国家级高科技园区——沈阳南湖科技开发区的首倡议者,及该开发区建设第一个可行性报告的主持人。“汉字技术圈的兴起”一文在理论界引起强烈反响。 90年代初调北京,任首钢国际化经营研究所长;1994年底调中国社会科学院世界经济与政治研究所,曾任研究室主任;第八届北京市人民政府专家顾问,中国国际经济关系学会常务理事,中国PECC工商委员会常务理事,《世界华商经济年鉴》常务副主编;曾任日本亚洲经济研究所客座研究员,日本国学院大学客座教授,韩国首尔大学客座教授。90年代起致力于中国企业成长与战略的国际比较研究,发表论文百余篇,著作八部——《中国企业的跨国经营》、《企业多元化经营》、《中国企业评论:战略与实践》、《华人跨国公司成长论》等,提出“后发展型跨国公司”、“亚核心能力”、“利基战略”等观点。目前研究重点:中国企业成长战略、走出去战略,家族企业,行业创新体系与战略。
“康百万”是对豫西康应魁家族企业的统称。“康百万庄园”位于郑州西60公里巩义市郊的康店镇,是康氏家族历代居住和生活之处的总称。 经过多年的关注和准备后,中华康氏文化研究会与北京理工大学中外家族企业研究中心于2012年5月初合作建立《康百万家族企业研究》课题组;同年8月课题组15人赴河南巩义康百万庄园采访调研一周。本文是第一期研究的结果。

  主讲人: 陈子平
  主  题: 醉酒駕車肇事逃逸的刑事責任
  时  间: 2013-03-29 14:30
  地  点: 思西712
一、現職: 高雄大學法學院法律學系專任教授 政治大學法學院兼任教授 博士生指導老師(博導) 北京大學法學院兼職教授 人民大學法學院客座教授 杭州師範大學法學院兼職教授 二、教授科目: 刑法(總論、各論)、刑法專論、刑法案例解析、刑法專題研究、醫療刑法專題研究、經濟刑法專題研究、法學日文 三、學歷: 東吳大學法學院法律學系畢業 日本早稻田大學法學研究科碩士班畢業 日本早稻田大學法學研究科博士班修畢 四、經歷: 東吳大學法學院法律學系專任講師、副教授、教授 東吳大學法學院法律學系系主任(2005.08~2008.07) 台灣考試院律師考試審議委員會委員 台灣考試院司法官(人員)特種考試典試委員 台灣考試院律師高等考試典試委員 台灣考試院司法官(人員)特種考試命題、閱卷委員 台灣考試院律師高等考試命題、閱卷委員 台灣司法院司法研習所講座教授(2013~) 台灣法務部刑法分則修正小組委員(2007~2011) 台灣法務部加強檢察官功能研究委員會委員 台灣刑事法學會常務理事 國際刑法協會台灣分會理事
台灣於1999年刑法修正時,仿德國刑法第316條「酒醉參與交通罪(Trunkenheit im Verkehr)」的規定,增訂了第185條之3的「不能安全駕駛罪(危險駕駛罪)」與第185條之4的「肇事逃逸罪」。2011年11月台灣立法院又將第185條之3的「不能安全駕駛罪(危險駕駛罪)」內容加以修改,除了將不能安全駕駛罪的法定刑從一年提高至二年外,還增設了第二項的「結果加重犯」的規定。相對的,大陸刑法也於前年增設了醉酒駕駛罪的規定。無論是台灣刑法或大陸刑法有關的醉酒駕駛罪的規定,在現實酒駕事件的適用上,產生種種分歧的看法,甚至有認為應該將酒駕除罪化,本講座即已實際發生的案例做為引子,分析酒醉駕駛以及肇事逃逸的種種有待思考的問題。

  主讲人: 郭志雄
  主  题: Ultrafast Laser Radiation Transport Modeling, Experimentation, and Applications
  时  间: 2013-03-28 10:30
  地  点: 机械工程楼8层大会议室
郭志雄教授。他在清华大学获得工程物理学士、硕士和博士学位,之后分别郭志雄博士是美国罗格斯新泽西州立大学机械和航空航天学院的全职在韩国科学技术院(KAIST)担任研究员,和日本东北大学担任助理研究员。1999年到2001年,他在纽约大学理工学院担任研究员,同时攻读并获得机械工程专业博士学位。 他的研究领域主要包括辐射与物质的相互作用,激光应用,分子和纳米光学传感,以及辐射传热。目前,他致力于将光子学、传热与纳米技术相结合转化为新兴技术应用,如MEMS/ NEMS传感器,材料微处理以及在分子水平上实现生物医学成像和传感。 他的研究主要由美国国家科学基金会、美国国家航空航天局、美国农业部、MTF、美国国家卫生研究院、新泽西纳米技术协会、罗格斯大学学术优秀基金奖、Charles and Johanna Busch纪念基金奖等资助。他还获得罗格斯大学本科教育课程发展教学奖。他以作者或合作者的身份发表了论文75篇以上,被引用超过980次,H指数达到20。 同时他是Heat and Transfer Research杂志和ASME期刊 Journal of Heat Transfer的副主编。郭博士还是美国机械工程师协会(ASME),美国光学协会(OSA)和国际光学工程学会(SPIE)的活跃会员。他是美国机械工程师协会资深研究员,因在激光-物体相互作用等相关领域的开创性研究和成果而获得广泛认可。目前,他担任ASME传热学部技术委员会主席。

  主讲人: 赵君黎
  主  题: 怎么看到怎么办—公路桥梁安全和耐久性问题探讨
  时  间: 2013-03-28 09:00
  地  点: 机械楼一层会议室
1984年考入同济大学,学习桥梁工程,1988年毕业分配到交通部公路规划设计院,先后从事大桥、公路设计、桥梁标准规范编制和管理、科技研究和管理、桥梁国际技术交流、桥梁分会秘书处管理等工作。现任中交公路规划设计院副总工程师、科技发展部部长,教授级高级工程师。 担任的社会职务有中国公路学会桥梁分会常务副秘书长、茅以升科技教育基金会桥梁委员会副秘书长、中建标公路委员会副秘书长、工程结构可靠度委员会委员、环境保护部环评中心常聘专家等社会职务。曾任标准规范研究室主任、桥梁技术中心副主任,主管标准规范研究工作。

  主讲人: 魏际刚
  主  题: 新时期中国产业发展战略框架
  时  间: 2013-03-22 14:30
  地  点: SD308

  主讲人: 刘越
  主  题: 物联网——从概念到现实
  时  间: 2013-03-13 14:00
  地  点: 机械工程楼一层会议室
刘越,2000年获北京交通大学通信与信息系统专业博士学位,现担任中国移动无锡物联网研究院院长助理。研究领域包括移动通信新技术、移动信息化产品及解决方案、物联网架构及关键技术、物联网新业务等,主持多项物联网和移动信息化研发项目。中国通信标准化协会泛在网技术委员会(CCSA TC10)应用工作组组长,北京邮电大学兼职教授。
内容介绍: 1、物联网的发展策略与趋势,对电信运营商的挑战 2、从终端、网络、应用三个方面分析物联网新技术 3、物联网在典型行业的特色应用及发展

  主讲人: 吴国红
  主  题: 日本东北大学研究生培养及智能电网研究
  时  间: 2012-12-27 15:00
  地  点: 电气楼706

  主讲人: Yuen Chau
  主  题: Exploiting Multiuser Diversity in Wireless Interference Networks
  时  间: 2012-12-27 10:00
  地  点: 逸夫楼601
Dr Chau Yuen received the B. Eng and PhD degree from Nanyang Technological University, Singapore in 2000 and 2004 respectively. He is the recipient of Lee Kuan Yew Gold Medal, Institution of Electrical Engineers Book Prize, Institute of Engineering of Singapore Gold Medal, Merck Sharp & Dohme Gold Medal and twice the recipient of Hewlett Packard Prize. Dr Yuen was a Post Doc Fellow in Lucent Technologies Bell Labs, Murray Hill during 2005. He was a Visiting Assistant Professor of Hong Kong Polytechnic University in 2008. During the period of 2006 ‐ 2010, he worked at the Institute for Infocomm Research (Singapore) as a Senior Research Engineer, where he was involved in an industrial project on developing an 802.11n Wireless LAN system, and participated actively in 3Gpp Long Term Evolution (LTE) and LTE ‐Advanced (LTE ‐A) standardization. He has published over 1000 research papers at international journals or conferences. His present research interests include green communications, smart grid, cooperative transmissions, cognitive network, network coding, and distributed storage. He joined Singapore University of Technology and Design as an assistant professor from June 2010. He also serves as an Associate Editor for IEEE Transactions on Vechicular Technology, and awarded as Top Associate Editor from 2009 - 2011. On 2012, he received IBM Smarter Planet Faculty Innovation Award and IEEE Asia-Pacific Outstanding Young Researcher Award. Currently, he is leading a study group for Singapore Information Technology Standards Committee on Sensor Network.
Interference has always been the bottleneck for performance improvement in many wireless networks. Recent advance in interference alignment (IA) has inspired many solutions to better manage interference in various kinds of wireless interference networks. However, traditional IA techniques either require global channel state information (CSI) or sophisticated iterative algorithms to design the transmit/receive beamforming matrices, which are relatively complicated for realistic implementation. In this talk, some practical and low-complexity solutions are considered, which exploit multiuser diversity gain to improve transmission performance of wireless interference networks. To start with, several novel opportunistic interference alignment (OIA) schemes are proposed to mitigate interference in cellular networks, where OIA for downlink and uplink transmissions are separately studied. It is shown that the proposed OIA schemes significantly outperform the limited-feedback schemes in terms of throughput and implementation complexity. Besides cellular networks, the principle of IA has been tailored to achieve signal space alignment (SSA), by combining physical layer network coding technique, for efficient transmission in multi-way relay systems. For one fundamental multi-way relay channel, the MIMO-Y channel, a simple opportunistic signal space alignment (OSSA) scheme is proposed. The multiuser diversity gain in the MIMO-Y channel is analysed, and some interesting phenomena are observed. Finally, a joint OIA-OSSA scheme is proposed for the multi-pair two-way relay interference channel, and some initial results are presented to inspire future work.

  主讲人: 崔启亮
  主  题: 翻译本地化
  时  间: 2012-12-25 14:00
  地  点: 思源西楼610
本次讲座主要包括: 1)本地化定义与内容, 2)本地化行业市场状况与发展前景, 3)本地化市场对人才的需求状况, 4)本地化课程教学与研究状况。

  主讲人: 李志宏
  主  题: 芯片上的缩微世界-微纳机电系统
  时  间: 2012-12-24 10:00
  地  点: 机械楼一层多功能厅
李志宏,男,43,北京大学微电子学研究院教授。1992年毕业于北京大学微电子专业,1997年在北京大学获微电子与固体电子学博士学位,同年留校工作。2000年到2004年在美国加州大学戴维斯分校和美国康奈尔大学做访问学者。2004年7月返回北大,继续从事科研和教学工作。多年来一直从事微纳机电系统(MEMS/NEMS)理论、加工技术以及器件方面的研究,尤其在生物微机电(BioMEMS)、微纳流控系统(Micro/Nanofluidics)和射频微机电(RF MEMS)方面取得了许多原创性的成果。人工视网膜芯片、神经记录和刺激微电极阵列以及细胞电穿孔芯片等研究成果得到国内外学术界的认可,多年来内在期刊和学术会议上共发表了130多篇论文,其中SCI 期刊论文50余篇,申请发明专利20余项,其中获授权发明专利6项。目前担任自然科学基金重大研究计划“纳米制造的基础研究”指导组专家,曾担任IEEE NEMS’09国际会议程序委员会联合主席,担任IEEE NEMS’09国际会议程序委员会联合主席,现为MEMS领域顶级会议IEEE MEMS、Transducers和IEEE Sensors程序委员会委员。
微机电系统MEMS (Microelectromechanical Systems)将处理热、光、磁、化学、生物等新兴结构和器件通过微电子工艺及其它一些微加工工艺加工到芯片上,并通过与电路乃至相互之间的集成来构筑复杂的微型系统。因此,MEMS包括感知外界信息(力、热、光、生、磁、化等)的传感器和控制外界信息的执行器,以及进行信号处理和控制的电路。随着MEMS的发展,目前其特征尺度已进入到纳米尺度,出现了纳机电系统NEMS (Nanoelectromechanical Systems)的概念。本报告将概述微纳机电系统的发展历史、发展现状及应用。

  主讲人: 鲁道夫
  主  题: 建筑与城市空间塑造
  时  间: 2012-12-21 14:00
  地  点: 机械工程楼一层

  主讲人: 汤帜
  主  题: 数字出版新技术
  时  间: 2012-12-19 14:00
  地  点: 九教北307B
汤帜是北京大学计算机科学技术研究所 研究员、博士生导师、学术委员会主席,数字出版技术国家重点实验室(筹)主任。主要从事数字出版技术、数字版权保护技术、文档处理和模式识别方面的研究,发表学术论文50多篇,获发明专利20多项。主持项目曾获国家科技进步二等奖1次,获省部级奖励多次,并获享受政府特殊津贴的专家、中国青年科技奖、森泽信夫印刷技术奖、中国软件行业杰出青年、首届发明创业奖特等奖、全国印刷行业百名科技创新标兵、全国优秀科技工作者等荣誉。汤帜还担任中国计算机学会中文信息技术专业委员会副主任、全国信息技术标准化技术委员会专家委员、全国新闻出版标准化技术委员会委员等。
具体讲座内容包括 (1)汤帜:数字出版的概况、数字版权保护、文档格式技术、实验室介绍,约30分钟—40分钟 (2)吕肖庆: 图形识别技术,约20分钟 (3)高良才: 版面分析与理解技术,约20分钟

  主讲人: 段晔
  主  题: Multi-Modality Dynamic Urban Scene Modeling
  时  间: 2012-12-17 14:30
  地  点: YF502
段晔:美国密苏里大学工程学院都市安全研究中心主任, 密苏里大学计算机系计算机图形与图像理解实验室主任, 密苏里大学计算机系副教授. 他1991年学士毕业于北京大学数学系, 1996年硕士毕业于美国犹他州立大学数学系, 2003年博士毕业于美国纽约州立大学石溪分校计算机系。他的研究方向包括计算机图形学, 计算机视觉, 生物医学图像, 生物医学信息学.
Introduction of the Multi-Modality Dynamic Urban Scene Modeling and Its Developement

  主讲人: Chunming Qiao
  主  题: 信息交通系统:安全及信息娱乐
  时  间: 2012-12-13 16:30
  地  点: YF410
Chunming Qiao教授是高级网络设计、分析和研究实验室(LANDER)主任,该实验室从事多项前沿研究,主要集中于光网络、云计算的生存性,无线网络的用户行为和移动性,低成本低功耗传感器网络及移动传感器网络。他已发表100篇高水平期刊论文和150篇会议论文,在Google Scholar上的h-index约为50。他是多个IEEE Transactions期刊的编委,是IEEE高速网络技术委员会的主席。他因为在光网络,无线网络的结构和协议研究领域的贡献,被评为IEEE Fellow。
世界上每天都有大量的人开车出行。如何基于信息技术(如联网的车辆),提高道路通行安全性和有效性,是当今社会的一个重要问题。Chunming Qiao教授的一个信息物理系统项目,正在尝试在高级智能交通系统里解决一些关键设计问题,设计验证评估方案。报告从总体上介绍他们在交通安全方面的设计思路和验证路线,描述了一些如何减少事故的方法,特别是及时的分优先级地提供驾驶者一些路况和碰撞警告信息。报告还介绍了使用集成的蜂窝和自组织技术提供信息娱乐服务。

  主讲人: Sylvain Dubois
  主  题: 相固溶体的合成、微观结构表征及物理性能
  时  间: 2012-12-04 14:30
  地  点: 机械工程楼八层大会议室
Professor Sylvain Dubois is the Chief of the departement of Chemistry of the Poitiers Institute of Technology. In 2012, he was appointed to vice-president of the Poitiers University, in charge of research. He has published 70+ articles in scientific ISI journals, hindex=18 and 118 communications in congress among which 57 oral communications as speaker. He contributed 2 chapters in books, was an organizer of 3 symposiums on MAX phases (Pittsburgh, Daytona Beach and Houston (USA)), is a referee for different journals: Journal of Applied Physics, Journal of the American Ceramic Society, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, Physical Review B, etc. His main research activities are: synthesis and properties of nano-materials; MAX phases-nanolaminated materials and related properties; relationship between micro or nano-structure and physical properties; studied materials: Magnetic nanowires, superconducting nanowires, multilayered nanowires-Relation between the reduced dimension of the object under study and the scaling length of the physical property – such a project led him to work during 4 years with Pr. A. Fert (Nobel Prize in physics in 2007).
Ti2AlC, Ti2AlN and sub-stoichiometric Ti2Al(C(1-x)Nx)y (y<1) MAX phase solid solutions have been successfully synthesized by using a Hot Isostatic Press (HIP). Microstructures of the HIPed samples are observed by Scanning Electron Microscopy. Wavelength Dispersive X-ray Spectroscopy analyses are performed to determine the C and N contents of the solid solutions. Nanoindentation has been used to measure the intrinsic hardness and the Young’s modulus of the different Ti2Al(C(1-x)Nx)y solid solutions. Four point probe resistivity measurements were performed as a function of temperature on Ti2AlN, Ti2AlC0.25N0.75, Ti2AlC0.4N0.4, Ti2AlC0.5N0.5, Ti2AlC0.75N0.25 and Ti2AlC samples. In a last step, the anisotropy of Ti2AlC transport properties is understood from the compared study of both a highly-oriented (000l) Ti2AlC thin film and a Ti2AlC polycrystalline bulk sample. 利用热压烧结已成功合成了Ti2AlC, Ti2AlN 以及亚化学计量的Ti2Al(C(1-x)Nx)y (y<1) MAX相固溶体。然后分别采用扫描电子显微镜和X射线波谱分析,观察各固溶体显微结构和确定了各固溶体中C和N的含量。采用纳米压痕法测定了不同Ti2Al(C(1-x)Nx)y固溶体的本征硬度和杨氏模量。使用四点探针法确定了Ti2AlN, Ti2AlC0.25N0.75, Ti2AlC0.4N0.4, Ti2AlC0.5N0.5, Ti2AlC0.75N0.25和Ti2AlC等的电阻率与温度的关系。最后,通过对比研究(000l)方向上高取向度的Ti2AlC薄膜和Ti2AlC多晶块体,Ti2AlC传导性能的各向异性得到很好的理解。

  主讲人: 宋恩彬
  主  题: Robust SINR-Constrained MISO Downlink Beamforming: When is Semidefinite Programming Relaxation Tight?
  时  间: 2012-11-30 09:30
  地  点: 机械楼D202
Enbin Song received the degree of the bachelor of science from Shandong Normal University in 2002. In 2007, he received the Ph.D. degree from Sichuan University, China. He was a visiting scholar at School of Electronic & Information Engineering, Xi'an Jiao Tong University from September 2007 to January 2008. From February 2008 to March 2010, he was a postdoctoral at Depatment of Computer Science, Sichuan University and from April 2010 to May 2011, he was a postdoctoral at Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, University of Minnesota. From May 2011, he is an associate professor in the Department of Mathematics, Sichuan University. His main research interests are in information processing and convex optimization and its application, including multi-sensor estimation and decision fusion theory, the theory of multi-user wireless communications, particularly, with an emphasis on the applications of optimization techniques to the design of multi-antenna communication systems, and application of convex optimization in signal processing.
We consider the multiuser beamforming problem for a MISO (multi-input single-output) downlink channel that takes into account the errors in the channel state information at the transmitter side (CSIT). By modeling the CSIT errors as elliptically bounded uncertainty regions, this problem can be formulated as minimizing the transmission power subject to the worst-case signal-to-interference-plus-noise ratio (SINR) constraints. Several methods have been proposed to solve this nonconvex optimization problem, but none can guarantee a global optimal solution. In this paper, we consider a semidefinite relaxation (SDR) for this multiuser beamforming problem, and prove that the SDR method actually solves the robust beamforming problem to global optimality as long as the channel uncertainty bound is sufficiently small or when the transmitter is equipped with at most two antennas. Numerical examples show that the proposed SDR approach significantly outperforms the existing methods in terms of the average required power consumption at the transmitter.